Blogging about travel destinations, deals, and stories - from outrageous to humorous and everything in between.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Notes From the Far North - Part Three

Their "summer office" is a boat in the far North...on the Yukon River. They study the Peregrine Falcons along the river each year, counting nesting pairs, then counting babies about two weeks later. Such a life, what a job! These are notes from my daughter and son-in-law. I am sharing them with their permission, so you can enjoy the beauty of this wonderful land!

Bundled up and scoping out the valley.
Photo: Florian/Ambrose

A few more photos for you...

Musk Ox
Photo: Florian/Ambrose

Trans Alaska Pipeline
Photo: Florian/Ambrose

We spent the past few days driving up the Haul Road almost all the way to Prudhoe Bay.  The "haul road" was built to facilitate the building of the pipeline and get supplies to Prudhoe Bay.  It goes north from Fairbanks, through the Brooks Range, skirts the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on one side and Gates of the Arctic NP on the other, and on to the North Slope.  It is some of the most scenic countryside in Alaska.  I had never been up the Haul Road but Skip and I had both been to Prudhoe Bay so we didn't feel the need to drive into Deadhorse (end of the road).  We went as far as Sagwon Bluffs and had an amazing trip.  Again, our route followed the pipeline, only north this time.  There are lots of raptors that nest up here (gyrfalcons, peregrines, golden eagles, rough-legged hawks) and I saw 2 more "new" birds (Smith's Longspur and Northern Wheatear!!).  We saw wolves, musk ox, and lots of Dall sheep.  I'm already looking forward to going back.  But for's back to the Yukon.  More later.

~Chris, Skip, and Abbey

Get out and explore!

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