Blogging about travel destinations, deals, and stories - from outrageous to humorous and everything in between.

About Me

Hello!  If you are here, we must be new friends.
My name is Pat. 

I am a proud Mom of five plus one, and Grandma to eleven grandchildren.  Reading mysteries and historical novels, writing, and photography are just three of my passions.  Other interests and activities include Red Hatting, travel and volunteering with the local Relay For Life event.

My husband, Walt and I are retired and living in Arizona.  We enjoy exploring historical sites, ghost towns and old mining sites as well as learning about local history through books and photography.  Retirement has allowed me the time to satisfy a long-time yearning to write.  I currently blog at Grow Old With Grace and Green Living Thrifty Frog in addition to Pat's Travel Talk.  Please visit my other places where you can enjoy “Grace’s” views and advice on aging, and Pat’s journey learning to “go green.”

I am a regular columnist for Exploration Travel Magazine.  I write about news in the travel industry, popular destinations, absurd and funny stories, and more.  You can also follow the magazine on Google Currents on your android device!